It’s Mike from True Trading Group.
On February 5, 2024 I sent out a text message and email to past TTG members letting you know that I WAS DONE! I made you a final offer to rejoin True Trading Group and gave a deadline to do so that was just a couple hours from when I pushed it.
The next day we had a tremendous amount response, over 100 previous members came home to TTG and most said the same thing… I NEEDED TO HEAR THAT & YES, LET’S DO THIS!
I also realize that the deadline I set was not 100% fair as it did not give people enough time to even see the message. Just as I asked you to rethink what you’re doing I decided to do the same and extend my offer till 8:00pm EST on Wednesday 2/7/2024, BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS CHANGES NOTHING &…
Honestly, I’m Done BUT
I’m done trying to convince you that you are worth more than whatever fear or hesitation is preventing you from taking part in what in my opinion has been the best market environment I have ever seen!
I’m done trying to get you to come back to True Trading Group for $500 when I know within every ounce of my being that it’s worth 10x that per year!
I’m done trying to explain to you that even though you have a full time job, demanding schedule, difficult spouse, health issues, etc… THAT YOU CAN DO THIS! How do I know? Over 80% of TTG members have a full time job or demanding schedule and or even some crazy life event & instead of using it as an excuse they use it as motivation to double down on their commitment to learn, trade & profit! What’s your excuse?
So many of you have had an excuse for not coming back, I’ve literally heard it all, BUT…
Let’s Call a Spade a Spade:
The pandemic is over, the money you have now is real it’s not “play money” meaning, you don’t have extra stimulus money, you don’t believe in yourself, you think your window for success was during lockdown and meme stock mania & because you didn’t do well during that time and or maybe you never got a laptop when we had them, you use that as an excuse to short change yourself!
Since We’re Calling a Spade a Spade:
Why do I keep offering you a $500 membership if I believe its worth 10x more?
It’s simple & a genius business strategy, if you’re reading this email that means you’ve already paid us between $900 to $4,000+ & let’s be real you were never coming back anyway, but now there is a deal on the table substantially cheaper than ANYONE will get as a new member & why not!?
$500 is $500 and if you sign back up and do well you will renew for the same $500. And if you go through our courses, pass our quizzes, and attend at least one of our study groups and are still unable to make enough winning trades to equal the $500 at least one time, we’ll owe you back 2x your membership fee! Yes, you read that correctly. We’re so confident in the TTG platform that we offer a double your money back guarantee!
I am counting on you doing well to get your renewal year after year BUT… if not you get it back and then some, This is good business!
I Need You to Understand
This moment is crucial for you. I am giving you 1 last chance to work with me & the TTG Family 1on1 to help you get to where you want to be financially in 2024!
I totally understand that life can throw a lot at us, but in my opinion the opportunity the market is presenting us with RIGHT NOW is too significant to let slip by. You, absolutely deserve to be part of this!
2024 has only just begun and within the TTG Family we’ve already experienced well over 30 triple digit alerts on stocks, options & futures for all styles of trading; day trading, swing trading & even our long term portfolios are paying off big time!
Here’s the Straight Talk:
Rejoin TTG now for a one-time offer of just $500, securing your full annual membership. Plus, I’m adding 2 weeks of STR for free and the opportunity for a personal one-on-one with either me or one of our top-notch moderators.
This Deal is Only Valid Until 8:00 PM ET, Wednesday 02/07/2024.
Ready To Make Your Move?
Reply to The Text Message That Sent You to This Page with The Word “YES” or…
Click Here to Secure Your Spot Now:
If Your Answer is NO, Listen to me VERY CAREFULLY… Reply to The Text Message That Sent You To This Page with The Word “STOP”
There is NO NEED for you to waste your time or ours!
Get off our contact list, don’t go on the live streams… FORGET US!
Listen, everyone has issues, everyone has excuses & NO ONE CARES!
You want better for yourself come home and let’s do this & if not… Reply to The Text Message That Sent You To This Page with The Word “STOP”